Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Here is the Sears recipe for a smoothie that Dr. Sears gives his own children:
- 3 cups milk or soy beverage
- 11/2 cups plain nonfat yogurt
- 1-2 servings Juice Plus+® Complete or similar multinutrient supplement
- one frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/2 cup each of your favorite fruit, frozen (e.g., organic strawberries, papaya, mango)
- 2 tbsp. flax oil or 1/2 cup flaxseed meal
- 4 ounces tofu
- 2 tbsp. peanut butter (optional)
- 1 1/2 cups organic 1% milk
- 3/4 cups organic low-fat vanilla yogurt
- 2 servings of Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood supplement - berry flavored
- 3/4 cup frozen organic blueberries
- 1/2 cup frozen organic mangoes
- 3 tbsp. flax oil
- 3 oz. organic soft tofu
- 1 tbsp. psyllium husks
"Combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. Serve immediately after blending while the mixture still has a bubbly milkshake-like consistency.
We formulated this recipe based on the principle of "synergy." The nutrients consumed together enhance each other's benefits, so the whole nutritional effect is greater than the sum of its parts. I have prescribed this recipe for several hundred school-children and their parents, and we drink it ourselves four to five mornings a week. It's a powerful performance booster for working parents and school-children.
Because fiber steadies the absorption of carbohydrates and therefore contributes to a steadier blood sugar, we suggest using rich sources of fiber, such as flaxseed meal (i.e. ground flax seeds, containing both the oil and fiber), although flax oil has a more palatable consistency than flaxseed meal. For additional fiber, if you don't mind a grainier texture, add 1 tbsp. or more of oat bran."
The smoothie is yummy! My son will normally drink the whole thing. And, I love it, too! I must say, it has been a great way to start my day - I have only the smoothie and I don't get hungry before lunchtime - an added bonus, in that I have been trying to lose weight! (And I have! Yeah!!!)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Across the globe, it is catching on... in an effort to reduce our meat consumption by 15% and to improve the overall health of our planet, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and homes are going "meatless" each Monday in the "Meatless Mondays" campaign.
The U.N. also found that current meat production methods cause nearly half of all stream and river pollution. Meat also requires a great deal of fresh water to manufacture. The production of a pound of beef takes approximately 2,500 gallons of water, compared to a pound of soy, which requires only 220 gallons. By switching to soy on Mondays each individual could save about 890 gallons of water a week.
As of 2006, forty calories of fossil fuel energy go into every calorie of U.S. feed lot beef (manufacture, transport and storage included). By comparison, a calorie of plant-based protein only requires 2.2 calories of fossil fuel. If the population of the United States went meatless every Monday for a year, 12 billion gallons of gasoline would be saved.
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010