At my son's Montessori school, all the families bring in their recyclables each week in order to raise money for UNICEF. Each month, one of the parents signs up to deliver the bins full of glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans to our local recycling plant. Last year, the school raised over $600 for UNICEF. The money was used to purchase 60 mosquito nets for villages across the world where malaria runs rampant.
One child is killed every 30 seconds by malaria. UNICEF is one of the largest buyers of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). These nets are pre-treated, and require no extra insecticidal treatments during their lifetime. UNICEFs goal is to "achieve bednet coverage in endemic countries by the end of 2010."
Please join the challenge NOW and raise money to save the lives of millions of children. For more information about this program:
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